Baby Joey – 7 months

I feel like I always start these posts with “wow what a busy month it has been” but truly that is definitely the case with Baby Joey’s sixth month.  Since turning 6 months we packed up everything we owned, fit it on a 26 foot truck, a 10 foot truck, another 10 foot truck, and 4 FULL car loads (no lie…), and made the 130 mile move north to Waverly Township in our new home.  When I tell you that these trucks were packed top to bottom utilizing all of the vertical space, I am not lying.  I cannot believe how much stuff we have.  It definitely doesn’t look like that when you look at the house but there was so much…and it is almost finally all put away!

I made my trip up to the new house with a packed car, 2 cats, and the baby on a Friday morning.  Unfortunately he had a stomach virus the week of the move and we had a full 10 days of poo every hour on the hour.  At least we prevented diaper rash by acting quick with the triple paste and using warm rags in lieu of wipes…last time he was so raw and I felt so bad for how much pain he was in.  The first 1 1/2 hours of the trip flew by with lots of cries from the cats but a silent baby…that all ended in the last 30 minutes when he started screaming so loud.  I couldn’t concentrate.  I called my mother to meet me at the new house and the phone disconnected and all she heard was half hour and screaming so she darted to the new house to meet me and laid a blanket on the floor since she knew there was bound to be a poo…there was.  I called my husband to just talk to me as my anxiety was pretty bad at this point and he advised that I pull over and change him but I hadn’t a clue where any of his bags were and I had no where in the car to change him since it was packed.  I decided to pull over at the toll booth and give him a binky and tell him we were almost home.  He calmed down enough for me to feel comfortable and keep going and he screamed the last 10 miles of the journey until we pulled up in the new driveway where he decided that’s when he was done.  I rushed him inside, changed his diaper, and introduced him to his new home.

He’s done a lot of learning this last month, too.  In addition to “dada” and only saying “mama” when he was upset he now says “mama” quite frequently to gain my attention, he can also say “baba” and I swear he is saying “more” when he eats and he gives me the sign for more…but it’s more like “maaaaaa” as he’s doing the sign lol.  He can sign both “more” and “mama” and discovered he can clap like an excited member of an audience cheering on their favorite artist!  He’s still a very tall and skinny man wearing size 12 months clothes because he is so long but only just recently moving up to size 3 diaper since he has such a tiny waist and hiney!  We are currently getting his records transferred from his old doctor to his new one since he had to skip his flu shot when he was sick so we need to get that going immediately especially if we are in search of a daycare to get him out and active 1 day each week (and so mommy can have a break of triple duty of baby, work, and school!).

He’s sitting up by himself although doesn’t understand sometimes he has to actively keep himself up or he will fall…he is awesome at sitting I just wouldn’t call him functional just yet…have a little more learning to do before that but I’ve seen pivots with his arms recently so we are on our way to functional sitting!  He scooches just a tad but I think that will turn into crawling quite quickly as the little butt is going directly in the air to try to help out the scooch.  He can hold himself up in a standing position with the assistance of furniture…watch out!  He loves his walker.  He loves his jumper.  If he could walk and jump all day I think he would…this boy has energy.  He loves belly sleeping and can sleep 10-11 hours at night on his belly.

His pop pop misses him and is coming up for a visit this weekend to go to his very first visit to a pumpkin patch!  The baby also got to experience his first snow this past Saturday.

I can’t believe how jam packed this month actually was but there was a lot of moving and developing going on and I can’t wait to see what the next month brings, although I do wish time would pause for a little while so I can enjoy all of these milestones before they continue to whiz by.  Oh and those who are still on tooth watch, you’re still going to have to wait.  STILL no teeth although we keep swearing he’s on the verge of busting one out…I can see it, he can feel it, and I feel bad it hurts him but they NEED to come out…so teeth, if you can hear me…man up and come out.

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Baby Joey – 5 Months

What a productive last month it has been!  On top of working 50+ hours a week from home, grad school, and taking care of the baby I have just gotten a little crazier…we are MOVING!  This is an awesome move as it will be closer to the baby’s closest relatives – my mom, all my brothers and sisters, and nephews and nieces will all be in very close proximity to our new home and we are so excited to be doing this!  They have been the biggest help for us even being 100 miles away so it makes sense to move closer to the ones who help out 🙂

As far as baby goes, solids are interesting for him!  He’s loving a majority of the foods…and I am making them all myself!  We tried some of the jarred foods in a pinch and for traveling and he does not enjoy them…he much prefers home made and I don’t mind making them at all because at least I know how everything is being prepped and cooked and there are zero preservatives in them.  It’s much cheaper, too.  Right now he is on green veggies and by next week we are going to introduce him to some fruits!

We are awesome at rolling from back to belly and belly to back and he can do it going left and right, he’s amazing on his feet…always putting weight on it but obviously requires assistance as he has no balance yet.  He’s not interested in sitting…he’d much rather stand so we are working on some floor exercises to help him with sitting.  He did scare me though as he is able to lift his upper body off the ground and lunge over so safety is even more important now since he has built up quite a bit of strength.

Teething is still strong with this one, gums are now white and hard, too…could still be a while, though.  I did notice an attitude difference on days he is not wearing his amber necklace (we do not put it on him going to day care…I’m a crazy worrier) so I think it is actually helping with the pain levels.  And there’s drool…man is there drool!  He’s like a waterfall!

Still has quite a bit of acid, the dosage has been increased again.  He’s using his tummy muscles a lot so I expected the acid to increase before it decreased.  Once his tummy muscles are fully formed I assume that the acid will start to decrease.  If you miss his dose by just a few minutes, though, it is spit up city!

I think the craziest accomplishment has been within the last week…he’s been repeating dada quite a bit and I actually caught it on camera.  Yesterday I kept saying “daddy” to him to see if he would try the hard “e” sound but of course he didn’t try and I didn’t expect him to.  This morning he actually said daddy.  I can’t believe that at 5 months old he said “daddy”.  He really is a bionic baby!


My boy has godparents 

I haven’t had much time to post with the move at work and Joey needing so much attention because of his reflux but I wanted to share a couple pictures of his baptism.  I am in the bath on my phone so this is a little jumbled, I promise to pretty it up at some point when I can hop on the computer for personal use but I don’t know when that will be!!  A full time working accountant momager makes finding personal time pretty difficult!  Adding school in the mix in 3 weeks is only going to make it more strenuous but a mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do to make big strides in making a better life for this little family!! 

Much love to my mother for taking pictures and not being in a single one. We will have plenty of celebrations for her to be in them though…she is a HUGE part of Joey’s life and counts down the minutes until she can see her little man again!!

Preparing for the get together afterwards was a little difficult because Joseph (hubby!) was sick but this mama got it alllll done in time!  All with the help of the k’tan!


Finally…here’s some pictures of the many faces of Joey and the last weekend we spent just hanging at his very first attendance at a birthday party!

I am trying my hardest to keep this updated!!  We have a follow up reflux appointment in 2 weeks so we are hoping things will improve with him (comfort wise) soon…until then they don’t want to increase his medication until the follow up.

Baby Joey – 2 month update

So I officially have a 2 month old…I could cry!  I just want time to stop so I can enjoy it, it is going by way too quickly!

Developmentally, he is crazy advanced!  He’s smiling as a reaction now and not because he is sleeping or gassy and lets out a cute little squeal when he has a big smile on, he’s following me with his eyes and follows objects as well.  He can pick my voice out and look in my direction even when there’s a lot going on.  At day care he was sound asleep and I walked in and started talking and he immediately woke up and looked for me…it was freaking adorable.  He’s reaching for objects and batting at them.  His leg muscles are great and wants to stand up a lot.  He is holding his head up high and very steady.  He rolled from belly to back!  He’s finding his voice and playing with it.  He’s starting to explore with his mouth, the kid licks everything.  I just bought a necklace that’s safe for babyies so he can play with it while I hold him and I don’t have to worry about keeping it away from his mouth.  He’s grabbing and holding onto things (re: have to buy a baby safe necklace for this reason, too!).  The list just grows and grows every day with things he’s learning.  I’m proud of his smarts!  He’s also so much more alert and stays up for a few hours at a time now.  I try to give him tummy time when he’s awake and happy as much as possible, but it can only be done in small stints being a reflux baby…

His weight is currently 11lb 5.5oz and he’s now 23.5 inches tall.  His weight puts him in the 44th percentile and height he’s at 73% (I believe).  His head measured 15 but I forget what percentile he was placed in for that…but he’s following the curve nicely!

We are still having reflux issues and I have a feeling they are going to up his dosage for zantac at the follow up appointment but for now we have to deal with the spit up as they didn’t recommend changing anything until the next appointment on June 16th.

The poor baby got 4 shots yesterday at his appointment and will be getting 4 more shots in 2 months at his 4 month appointment.  He was sore and cranky after that so we gave him a little tylenol after his 7 o’clock bottle and it helped his ouch legs and made him more comfortable…he was also feeling a little warm which they said would be normal having a low grade fever with the vaccines.  He seems to be much better today, but he is at day care and has been changed into new clothing so I’m wondering if it was a blow out or a spit up issue.

Joey teaches us life lessons all the time…the one he did yesterday was NEVER under ANY circumstances leave the house without an overly stocked diaper bag.  We took him to his appointment expecting to be out of the house for an hour with 3 diapers, wipes, 2 burp rags, a swaddle blanket, and a disposable changing pad.  That’s it.  In the waiting room, sitting in his car seat he had a massive blow out.  MASSIVE.  We had no spare clothes and Joe ran out of wipes as he was cleaning him up.  The burp rags were dirty as well.  OMG.  Good thing we brought a blanket and I had a sweater on that we draped over him in the car seat when we were leaving because otherwise he’d be naked…and it was chilly out.  I will NEVER leave the house without no less than a fully stocked nursery in my bag.  I can’t risk that anymore! LOL.

We have a sleeper, too!  He’s been sleeping great, there’s times we have to wake him up because we need to get him ready for daycare so I think he’d sleep even longer than what he has been if we just didn’t bother him.  I’m going to test that theory out this weekend but we have gotten 7 hour stretches out of him which is absolutely amazing.

There’s been a lot of craziness at home and it has been making me feel pretty isolated and lonely but some of my family is coming up for his christening this weekend so that should help for a little bit.  We are trying to keep it a very small get together because of the craziness and my anxiety/PPD so only immediate family and very close friends have been invited to keep my nerves in check.  This is the longest stretch of time my mom has been separated from the baby since he was born so I have to be careful not to get trampled by her when she comes bolting through my door on Sunday morning!  lol.

Here’s a couple pictures I took of him yesterday on his 2 month anniversary of tearing apart my lady parts!  He’s too adorable – he makes my heart melt! ❤

I'm 2 months old!

I’m 2 months old!

Every time I put the camera to my face he looks at me like I'm an alien LOL

Every time I put the camera to my face he looks at me like I’m an alien LOL

Caught a smile as he was ripping off his sticker!

Caught a smile as he was ripping off his sticker!

Reflux medicine and poop-capades!

So it is official, baby does have reflux.  He went and saw a gastroenterologist this week and was diagnosed with reflux and is now on Ranitidine (sp?) twice a day.  The poor guy hates the taste and it cannot be mixed so we’ve tried to give it to him through the syringe in the back of his mouth and he spits it right out while making the worst face.  I did learn, however, a nice little trick.  We tried putting the medicine in an empty nipple but he tasted the whole thing and hated it and drooled most of it out so my trick was stick an empty nipple in his mouth, once he starts sucking on it shoot the medicine in it and it is gone in one big suck.  Works like a charm.  Pisses him off a little but he gets the relief he needs!  It’s only 0.7ml so that’s not too bad…

We also have to test the acidity of his spit up daily to see if the medication is helping and it seems to be.  It’s so weird rubbing a test strip in spitup.  What I’ve learned is the poor thing had so much acid prior to starting the medication.  It was actually REALLY high with very fresh spit up, formula that didn’t even go down all the way when it came back up immediately had a high acid level.  That’s starting to subside now and he’s a much happier baby now that he isn’t in constant pain (THANK GOD!).

I’m glad I saw all the warning signs.  I’m glad I pay very close attention to everything he does.  I’m glad I am stubborn and don’t take no for an answer when I know there is something wrong.  He wasn’t just colicky because sometimes babies just cry a lot.  I would be a mess if we couldn’t figure out why he was screaming and have to cope with trying to comfort him for several months while he was just trying to tell us how much pain he was in.

The new formula is amazing, too.  That was another huge help in relieving some of the crying episodes.  His poops are now better, there are even days he poops 6 times!  That makes his belly feel better and leads to less screams of pain.

He has actually started giving me smiles now that he’s not in constant pain.  Like real awake smiles.  Smiles that melt my heart.  He also gave me real tears yesterday which broke my heart but it was only for a minute and it was done.  I turned off his white noise and must have startled him because it stopped as quickly as it started – but the tears literally killed me!  I cried so hard!!

I just wanted to give a quick update on how he is doing…a happy baby makes for a happy mama and I just wanted to share the good news 🙂

Milk Allergy and Reflux

While a lot of people will never know why their baby is colicky we actually have some answers (and relief!).  I bow down and worship the parents who never got relief and just had to wait it out, a couple weeks of the crying sent me in a panic and I was an absolute mess and thought I was a terrible mother for being unable to help ease my son’s pain.

After many formula switches we discovered he has a cows milk allergy and has reflux.  He is now on Nutramigen and it is in the process of being preauthorized through our insurance to be covered (thank god, it is super expensive!).  He also has reflux issues that appear to be lessening on the new formula.  The doctor said to give it a week and if it doesn’t clear up completely he will prescribe a medication to help.  After the switch we saw a difference almost immediately!  I can’t believe our poor boy was in pain as long as he was but I am SO glad we figured out the problem.  I couldn’t bear seeing him suffer 😦

Now I’m trying to get as much QT as possible before I return to work on Monday.  6 weeks is definitely not long enough time to take for maternity leave!  I’ve also learned how to apply makeup one handed – have our first date since the baby was born for my belated birthday dinner and visiting my family this weekend.  I’ve also written this entire post with one hand 😉

Next week I’ll detail his symptoms in case it can help anyone out…my arm is officially numb and its feeding time – hope everyone has a great weekend!


So this is colic? Happy Birthday to me!

Over the last few weeks my handsome baby has grown more uncomfortable and fussy no matter what we tried to do to help.  He grew ever more frustrated as the day went on and would be a semi normal happy baby by morning only for the whole process to start all over again.  The severity increased daily.  Sometimes he would have bouts of inconsolable crying that made me so upset that I could literally do nothing to comfort him.  We tried changing him, feeding him, burping him, rocking him, holding him tightly, bouncing on the yoga ball, going for walks, karo syrup to help move his bowels, gripe water, gas drops, switching formulas, colic drops, all with no results (and all under doctor’s recommendations).  Yesterday was by far the worst day of them all.  I couldn’t handle all the crying and was inconsolable myself…ugly faced crying trying to figure out how to help my baby.

He went for a drive and finally passed out, woke up again, ate in the car, and passed out again.  The doctor said the word I didn’t want to hear, colic, and recommended that we do another formula switch, this time to Nutramigen and so far he’s doing well on it…but it hasn’t even been a day yet and these switches take a week or so to see the full effects.  I already have a much happier baby but that can all change if his little tummy doesn’t agree with the switch.  I thought he may have reflux but since he is not spitting up this was dismissed by his doctor.

Anyone ever try to get a prescription for formula?  I’ve heard that if this is what works for him, and since it is so darn expensive and is considered a formula for allergies, that we can get a prescription for it and insurance would help pay for it since it is so freaking expensive!  I have no idea how to proceed with that, obviously obtain the prescription first, but where do I buy formula from?  How does insurance chime in and pay?  Is it reimbursement?  That’s where I am lost.

I’m just hoping that the inconsolable crying is over because it really broke my heart!  He woke up great today, pooped twice already, ate and burped like a champ and has been sleeping soundly most of the day.  I was actually able to vacuum and steam the living room and dining room while he slept and am taking a breather right now…I can’t overwork myself on my birthday!


EDIT: don’t mind my appearance, I literally woke up like that…so that’s me, hair a mess, teeth unbrushed, and a finally content baby sleeping on my chest after his morning feeding.

Baby Joey’s Birth Story

What an eventful delivery!  I should have expected this with how UNeventful the whole entire pregnancy was.  Seriously, I had no sickness, I wasn’t any more tired than I was previously, if my belly wasn’t growing I would have never known there was a little guy growing in there!  Towards the end of the pregnancy I developed cholestasis which just meant that my bile salts were building up in my blood and they wanted to induce labor right at “full term” so the baby’s environment wasn’t compromised…this is the point where the benefit outweighed the risk of him staying put in the womb.  I was on medicine to combat the symptoms which worked amazing and was ordered non stress tests twice a week until induction.  All throughout the pregnancy my blood pressure had been perfect, even two days before the scheduled induction.

On Thursday, March 19th at 5pm I had my final meal prior to being admitted for the induction.  We finally got the call around 10pm that night to head on in to triage to get set up for the induction process.  I was supposed to have “ripening” that evening with cytotek as I was not dilated as of Tuesday and was barely thinned out.  At 11:30 that night we discovered that I was already having contractions on my own, was 1cm dilated, and 50% effaced!  The bad thing was, they discovered my blood pressure was starting to rise drastically since Tuesday.

At about 12:30am on Friday March 20th, we finally got settled into our Labor and Delivery room.  The doctor decided that since I was already making progress on my own that they would skip the ripening and start the pitocin drip instead.  Every few hours they’d increase the low dose drip and check my vitals.  My blood pressure was still increasing but it was only being read during or immediately after a contraction.


At approximately 8am my mother and her fiance joined the forces, my mother in the delivery room with me and Michael patiently awaiting the arrival of “Baby C” in the waiting room.  At this point my contractions are about 5-7 minutes apart and I barely felt them but they were measurable on the monitors.  My first real check since being admitted occurred at about 3:30pm, right after my husband stepped out for some, ahem, waste removal since he was stinking up the joint.  This check showed I was 70% effaced and 3cm dilated and they wanted to break my water…I didn’t want them to do that until my husband got back so we waited.  Right after that my doctor was stuck in the OR for an emergency for hours and again, my blood pressure continued to rise no matter what we did to try to bring it down.  A lot happened around 10pm this evening, I begged for my water to be broken even if my doctor wasn’t able to do it, and it was – I was 4cm, 70% effaced, and at a -1 station, and because my blood pressure continued to rise they decided I needed to be on magnesium to combat potential seizures due to the still increasing blood pressure.  At this point I was tied down, catheterized, hooked up to several monitors, and put on a bolus of magnesium that was just pure torture followed by a drip of it.  They explained to me that because I was on magnesium that the NICU team would be present for delivery and he’d be taken away from me for 24 hours after delivery while the magnesium was still being pumped into my body.  When they started the bolus, I felt like I got hit by a bus, everything got hot, I felt dizzy and sick and just needed to pass out.  The broken waters added pressure that I couldn’t relieve with movement because I was strapped down and my legs were in these walking machines to prevent clotting.  I asked for some medication to help me sleep that night so they gave me some Nubain through my IV and I was able to sleep about 5 hours.

At about 5:30am on Saturday, March 21st, I was able to get an epidural.  I knew being tied down was going to only cause things to be more painful so the decision was to keep me as comfortable as possible.  At this point, almost everything in my birth preferences went out the window…and later we’ll see that the only thing I was able to accomplish from my preferences was not getting a C-Section.  The epidural was nothing…Joe was able to stay in the room with me and everything was peachy.  They checked me again and I was 5cm, 90% effaced, and at a 0 station.  The epidural worked like a charm and I was pain free and hoping I’d be pushing before it wore off!  The only thing I felt at this point was pressure…and sometimes it came on hard but it was bearable!  At about 8:30am they said I was in transition – I asked to be sat up so that gravity could help bring him down since I couldn’t walk around and as soon as I did that I got sick.  They checked me and I was 6cm, fully effaced, and at a station 0.





Contractions continued on strong and at 12:45 I asked to be checked and I was 8cm, fully effaced, and finally at a station 1!  They said with the magnesium it slows down the processes so they would check again in a few hours to see how I was making out.  At about 3:45 I felt like I needed to push with every contraction so I asked to be checked and low and behold I was at a 10!  It was a slow night in L&D so the doctor actually was with me nearly the whole time along with the entire L&D staff cheering me on with every contraction from 4pm on to his delivery nearly 3 1/2 hours later.  With every push I was trying to rest and towards the end I was literally passing out between each contraction and woke up to cheering and coaching in my ears from Joe.  I had Joe on my left and my mom on my right the entire time.  Baby was making progress but getting stuck at the very end.  I was exhausted and my options were keep on pushing, which I didn’t have the strength to do having not been able to eat in over 2 days and on medicine that made me feel so sick, or to try a vacuum.  I asked for the vacuum and said I can do it just a little longer.  The vacuum helped but when he was crowning he got stuck and the vacuum popped off and the doctor had to perform an emergency episiotomy and with one more big push he was out and placed on my chest as I begged to hold my Joey.  It was surreal.  Every emotion I had running through my body just came together right then and there and it was just beautiful.



After this everything went downhill. The placenta was delivered, the doctor was stitching me up but there was massive bleeding. There was placenta still stuck and the doctor had to manually remove it but there was hemorrhaging that had to be taken care of immediately. Before the baby was taken to the NICU and after he was cleaned he was placed on my chest for a few minutes of bonding but I couldn’t even keep my eyes open because of the blood loss…I was passing out and asked my mother to take him and give him to Joe.



They cranked the Pitocin up to 100, hooked up a new epidural and continued to manually remove placenta and push on my uterus with all of their might. The bleeding could not be controlled so they wheeled me off to the OR for a blood transfusion and to get the hemorrhaging to stop while applying pressure both inside my uterus and outside at the same time. By the time we arrived at the OR I was in and out of consciousness trying to answer questions the surgical team were asking me.  They were able to get the bleeding to stop because of my doctor’s quick action of applying pressure the entire trip to the OR.  I was told I was lucky to still have my uterus and I was later told I was lucky to be alive.  I remember telling Joe and my mother as I was being wheeled out from L&D to the OR to stay with baby, I needed to make sure he was ok, but they waited for me instead.  Apparently they were left in the room as everyone shuffled to get me and baby out and safe.

Joe was great keeping everyone informed on a group I created on facebook, but everyone started to get worried once the updates stopped at 3:30 and the next one wasn’t until after I came out of the OR and was admitted to the special care unit for constant monitoring.

Joe’s update: Update! Baby “Joseph Michael Cutri, Jr.” has arrived!!! 19″, 7lb 1oz! Mom and baby are both doing well now… Sorry for the lack of updates… Once Erin Michelle was actually 10cm, she was able to start pushing for a natural birth… After 3 1/2 hours of pushing, we were barely able to see his head. We were given the option for use of a vacuum to assist in delivery, which didn’t work out according to plan at all… The vacuum got his head out, but it snapped off and left him crowned and unable to fully come out…emergency episiotomy got him out. They cleaned him up but he had swelling on his head which was a result of the vacuum.

They had to put him into nicu because of this swelling and the magnesium sulfate they had to give erin for her blood pressure…

Then, things went a little further downhill ….erin was bleeding internally and sent for an emergency D&C to scrape the uterus for remnant placenta particles and to try to stop the bleeding.

I was suddenly left in the room filled with blood and soiled linens and Joan Kaub… In a panic, they sent us to the waiting room to get us somewhere until they had a clue to what was going to happen next.

On a definite upswing, the bleeding stopped on its own and her uterus was clear of placenta…she was given a unit of blood and properly stitched up.

Baby C was supposed to be 5lb 15oz and about 16″ on Tuesday….little Joey came out quite large!

Spending his first night in nicu tonight, he’s doing well. The girls there are monitoring him closely. He had an apgar score of 9 out of 10!!! Dude is something else! Wishing him luck his first night out of momma and on his own, we are sending him our love and kisses!!!

Because of the magnesium I wasn’t able to see little Joey until the following night.  I had massive swelling from the pitocin and magnesium and had to be wheeled to the NICU but I was finally reunited with Joey!  His faces are just precious.  He had a bout of jaundice which kept him in the NICU a day longer than my stay, we took him home on Tuesday, March 24th and after a home care check on Thursday, March 26th they needed to re-admit him to the NICU as his bilirubin score went all the way up to 19 and they wanted him monitored there under phototherapy in case alternate means needed to be taken.  Luckily that was the highest it went and we were finally able to take him home on Saturday, March 28th (our 6 year wedding anniversary!) where he was finally able to meet his grandma who hadn’t taken her NICU bracelet off because she hadn’t gotten to hold him yet.

He’s been nothing but an angel since being home and even now he is sleeping in his bassinet next to me while I write this making the cutest faces and noises.  I am so in love and would do it all over again for him.  It’s true what they say that it is one of the most painful things you’ll ever go through but you quickly forget that pain once you have that babe in your arms.  The pain is a distant memory, so is the gravity of the situation.  I’m healing nicely and he is healthy and that’s all that matters.  His blood recheck came back better than expected yesterday and he’s already passed his birth weight!  My blood pressure has gone back down and doesn’t need to be re-checked and am already almost at my pre-pregnancy weight again only 10 days postpartum.



Mama and baby

Mama and baby 2

Joey 1

Joey 2

Joey 3

Joey 4

Dear Baby

Dear Baby,

I wanted to take a few moments of this crazy day aside to write a little letter to you to let you know how excited we are for you and how loved you are by not only your mommy and daddy but by so many people.  You see, you are something we have longed for for a number of years.  Your daddy and I wanted nothing more than to have a baby and for years it seemed impossible with all the medications and surgeries and devastating miscarriages…but finally, on the day before your expected arrival, you are kicking away like a mad man telling me you are excited to make your grand entrance!  Finally, we will have our baby to take home and love here on earth.

There are so many people excited to meet you.  They shared in our joys, heartbreak, desperation, and excitement over the last 5 years.  Even though they don’t know your name yet (daddy and I have kept it a good secret!), they love you right now as “Baby C” and will soon be able to call you by your real name that daddy and I just love.  Grandma is so excited to travel to see you.  She will be on her way tonight so she can experience your birth and meet you as soon as you make your way into the world.  Your uncle Billy, and godfather, is trying so hard to be here for your arrival as well…he’s just trying so hard to make sure he is not sick so he doesn’t spread any germs.  He’s such a worrier…that’s why they make sanitizer!  He sent you the cutest outfit with batman on it.  The rest of your aunts and uncles are taking care of their children and anxiously anticipating the news that you have made your way into this world so they can breathe!  There’s a number of people on your daddy’s side that are so excited to meet you and will be visiting you very often…your poppop has even committed to bringing me an Italian hoagie as soon as you are born since its something I’ve wanted to eat for the last 9 months but because it could possibly be harmful to you I refused to eat it.

My one wish for you, baby, is that you live a life of love.  You are coming into this world with so much support and excitement and love from everyone who has followed our journey.  You are a miracle.  We can’t wait to meet you and love you and although I am excited to see what kind of a man you turn out to be, I wish that life just slows down so we can savor every moment with you.

I’m so excited to finally meet you.  You have 3 angels looking after you now and always and they will be by our side waiting for your arrival.

We love you so much!

Two days before Induction

Can you believe it…two days?  TWO DAYS until my scheduled induction.  And one day before I go into the hospital for “ripening” – crazy, right?

We had our final doctor’s appointments yesterday and here’s the results:

I tested negative for Group B Strep (hoorah!)

My final weigh in showed a total weight gain of 32.5 lbs during this pregnancy – not sure where that all is?  Maybe in my MASSIVE PLACENTA?

Speaking of Placenta…it actually MOVED and is clear of the whole 2cm restriction for a safe natural birth (even though my doctor was willing to let me try since it was over 1cm last month…but now there is no issue)

I’m starting to thin out on my own and my cervix is starting to shorten, but no dilation on my own…so still need to go through with the ripening tomorrow night.

Baby boy is totally head down and locked and loaded…his head is way down in my pelvis and is ready to make his grand entrance.

The ultrasound tech is very happy I’m being induced on Friday since the placenta is beginning to calcify – seems like this is a side effect of cholestasis and causes early labor in many undiagnosed cases.

Baby boy is weighing in at 5lb 15oz per the ultrasound.

I still can’t believe how close this is.  We finally have hot water (thank you Joe!!!).  Joseph worked on the new heater as soon as we got home from the ultrasound yesterday until nearly 2am last night…but we have hot water.  THANK GOD.  Everything is falling into place.  I have my hospital bag packed with everything except last minute items like my phone charger, makeup bag, and toothbrush/toothpaste.  I wrote all the thank you cards out from the shower, all I need is to look up addresses and buy stamps.  I’m hoping to drop those off at the post office while we are en route to the hospital tomorrow if I get all the addresses in time!  I also spoke with Joe’s ex-neighbor who does financial planning about a college fund…once we have baby home and settled we are going to meet with him about setting up baby’s college fund.  I have some money that has been sitting around for a year, untouched, and have more coming in to be our “emergency fund” so I’d like to get things rolling for baby sooner rather than later so the money has more time to grow!

Baby Boy's final ultrasound - 36w4d (they are always one day off on the ultrasound, not sure why?)

Baby Boy’s final ultrasound – 36w4d (they are always one day off on the ultrasound, not sure why?)

Baby boy, please be good to mama…let’s make this a safe birthday for you and we are so excited to finally meet you!  I don’t know how much sleep I’m going to get between now and your arrival because I’m just too excited but Friday can’t come soon enough!